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Sase Sham, Inc.
3406 Lower Arkansaw Rd.
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Wireless AutoSwitch XPV
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Wireless AutoSwitch XPV Change log for Wireless AutoSwitch XPV.
Wireless AutoOff Change log for Wireless AutoOff.




What to do if there is a problem:

If Wireless AutoSwitch is not working as expected the first thing you should do is make sure you are using the latest version, this is downloadable below. Try downloading and installing the latest version of the product you are using (remember to enter your permanent license key, if you have one, during install).  Also take a look at the "WrlsAutoSWLog.txt" file in the installation directory for any error messages.

If that doesn't work then you can try putting the application in debug mode:
Do the following to create a debug file, start while hard wired:
1.    Go to the Services MMC (Start - Run - services.msc)
2.    Stop the Wireless AutoSwitch service.
3.    Go to c:\program files\wireless autoswitch (or c:\program files(x86)\wireless autoswitch)
4.    Create an empty file called "debug.txt" (without the quotes)
5.    Start the Wireless AutoSwitch service. The debug.txt file should disappear.
6.    Wait 30 seconds - disconnect the wired cable - wait 30 seconds - reconnect the wired connection - wait 30 seconds.
7.    Stop and restart the Wireless AutoSwitch service (this part is very important as it stops debug mode).
8.    Find the c:\wrlsdebug.txt file and email it to with a quick note about the issue. (Sometimes the file is in c:\program files\wireless autoswitch). 


Repair WMI Issues

Recently we are having more and more cases where Wireless AutoSwitch is not working because WMI (Windows Management Instrument) is broken or corrupt on their machine.  Wireless AutoSwitch will not work if WMI is not working (this is noted in the manual).  (By the way Wireless AutoSwitch is not causing this issue.) 

If you run the above debug procedure and in the log you see this line: "TERMINAL WIL ERROR=>3131 (OleExecute: Not a valid OLE object. Period may have been used in place of a comma.)" then WMI is broken and needs to be repaired.

On Windows XP:
To repair WMI: Google "Repair WMI" (without the quote marks).  For an automated/scripted way Google "FixWMI.cmd".

On Windows 7:
To Repair WMI: Open an administrator's command prompt and run "net stop winmgmt", then run "winmgmt /resetrepository" then reboot.

You can call or email us anytime and we will help you resolve the issue as fast as possible.

Preventing The Service From Being Stopped

Non-Admin users cannot stop the Wireless AutoSwitch service, but if the user is an admin then it is possible for them to stop the service.  To stop this do the following:

  1. Log on to a machine that has the Wireless AutoSwitch service installed using an account with sufficient rights to create group policy objects. (for instance a Domain Admin)
  2. Install the Group Policy Management Console (GPMC) available here.
  3. Start the Group Policy Management MMC (gpmc.msc)
  4. Select the Organization Unit (OU) where you've placed your client computers
  5. (if this is the default Computers OU, you can't link a Group Policy object. Link it to the domain instead)
  6. Right click the OU and select the Create and link a new gpo here... option from the menu
  7. Give the new Group Policy object (GPO) a distinctive name (like Wireless AutoSwitch Service)
  8. Select the Group Policy Object itself, right click it and select the Edit option from the menu
  9. Navigate to the Computer Configuration\Window Settings\Security Settings\System Services part of the GPO.
  10. A list of Services on the local computer should show up.
  11. Search the Wireless AutoSwitch service.
  12. Double click the Service Name
  13. Click Define this policy.
  14. Change the security setting to only enable a group of 'real' administrators to overrule these settings (remove Administrators)
  15. Set the Service startup mode as Automatic.
  16. Click OK
  17. Close the Group Policy Management Console
  18. Log off

Download - Latest Versions - Try Free for 30 Days

Wireless AutoSwitch XPV Works on Win 11, Win 10 , Wind 7, Win 8.1, Vista and XP.
Wireless AutoOff Latest version of AutoOff (Win11, Win10 Win7, Win8, Vista and XP).





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