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Sase Sham, Inc.
3406 Lower Arkansaw Rd.
Baker, WV 26801


Wireless AutoSwitch XPV
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Wireless AutoOff
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Please note that each product uses a different license keys.  So if you have a license key for one product it will not work on any other product.  That is, if you bought and have a license for Wireless AutoSwitch 10 that license key will not work on Wireless AutoSwitch XPV or Wireless AutoOff.

There is an upgrade fee if you want to go from one product to another.

For corporate customers - If you have previously purchase any of the Windows XP versions of Wireless AutoSwitch you may freely upgrade to Wireless AutoSwitch 10 but not freely to Wireless AutoSwitch XPV.

Download - Latest Versions - Try Free for 30 Days

Wireless AutoSwitch XPV Works on Win 11, Win 10 , Wind 7, Win 8.1, Vista and XP.
Wireless AutoOff Latest version of AutoOff (Win11, Win10 Win7, Win8, Vista and XP).





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