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Sase Sham, Inc.
3406 Lower Arkansaw Rd.
Baker, WV 26801


Wireless AutoSwitch XPV
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Wireless AutoOff
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What is Wireless AutoSwitch?


Wireless AutoSwitch runs as a service and will automatically disable your wireless card when you connect to a LAN (hard wire) connection, and re-enable the wireless card when there is no LAN connection. This ensures that you are always using the fastest connection for network traffic. In the office this helps reduce redundant network connections, while still helping your employees seamlessly transfer from wired to wireless network connections.


For offices that are wireless security conscious this application makes sure the laptop's wireless card is off when the user is wired into your network, preventing bridged connections and preventing someone from the outside hacking your network through a laptop's wireless card.


Wireless AutoSwitch XPV adds the ability to disable multiple WiFi cards, Modems, Bluetooth devices, and 3G/Broadband cards when there is a LAN connection.  It also has an option to release the DHCP address before the wireless card is disabled.

Note: We also offer Wireless AutoOff; this is a very restrictive product that does not auto switch wireless. Please read the manual or the end of the about page to understand this product.


read more on the about page...


Click Here to See Our Intro Video!

Download - Latest Versions - Try Free for 30 Days

Wireless AutoSwitch XPV Works on Win 11, Win 10 , Wind 7, Win 8.1, Vista and XP.
Wireless AutoOff Latest version of AutoOff (Win11, Win10 Win7, Win8, Vista and XP).





What People are Saying

The product has done exactly what we expected it to do with little to no overhead on the systems and the support has always been quick and the answers extremely helpful and relevant.
-J.D. (Mad Mallard Solutions)

I must say that I really like the simplicity and invisibility to the user.
-J.L. (Electrabel)

The software has worked great, we have had no issues with it.
-D.C. (Washington Trust Bank )

Very simple tool to use and they customized the app for us for branding and other changes.  Fantastic company, excellent support, very responsive, I highly recommend them.
-S.M.  (Temple-Inland)

It will be the recommended software for that part of our assignment (recommend a solution for NIC multihoming issues).
-G.T. (Combat Networks)

Excellent, and stable product.
-N.A. (National Australia Bank)

I’ll make sure to recommend your tool when there is a chance.
-E.I. (Spectrum Signal)

I think the product is awesome and it is completely seamless.
-R.B. (Northgate Information Solutions)

Did not find any other suitable products, others came as part of a much larger suite of utilities which we did not need nor want to pay for.
-P.W. (R T. Vanderbilt Company, Inc.)

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