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Wireless AutoSwitch XPV
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Wireless AutoOff
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Basic Information


Wireless AutoSwitch will automatically enable/disable the wireless card based on the LAN connection. It works on Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Vista and XP. When the LAN is connected the wireless card will automatically get disabled, and then re-enabled when there is no LAN connection. This ensures the security of your corporate network, ensures laptops are always using the fastest connection and reduce redundant network connections. Wireless AutoSwitch can also be set to automatically enable/disable modems, Bluetooth devices and 3G/Broadband cards.

What it Does:

Wireless AutoSwitch is installed and runs as a service that is set to automatically start. If the user stops the Wireless AutoSwitch program, it will restart automatically on reboot.

The first thing it does is identify the wireless card and then finds out if it is enabled or disabled. Then it checks if there is a hard-wire connection active. If there is an active wired connection the wireless card is disabled if it isn't already disabled.

At this point Wireless AutoSwitch is in a loop looking at the wired connection every 3 seconds.

Because the program is in a loop only looking at the wired connection you can manually enable the wireless card and it will not get automatically disabled by Wireless AutoSwitch (Only in Mode 1 and 3). This is useful if you temporarily want both wired and wireless enabled.

The moment the wired connection is disconnected, the wireless card is enabled and Windows takes over and makes a wireless connection if one is available and setup for automatic connection.

Wireless AutoSwitch will only enable or disable the wireless network card depending on the situation and nothing else. It does not establish the wired or wireless connections, Windows does that.

Differences In Each Product:

Wireless AutoSwitch XPV works on Windows 10, Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Vista and XP, (32bit or 64bit).  XPV also adds AirCards, 3G Cards, Broadband Cards and Multi-Card Support.  Now no matter what kind of wireless device is installed it is disabled when there is a LAN connection.

Wireless AutoOff by default disables all wireless cards and keeps them disabled.  It only allows the user to enable wireless, with a shortcut, if there is no LAN.

Download - Latest Versions - Try Free for 30 Days

Wireless AutoSwitch XPV Works on Win 11, Win 10 , Wind 7, Win 8.1, Vista and XP.
Wireless AutoOff Latest version of AutoOff (Win11, Win10 Win7, Win8, Vista and XP).





Wireless AutoSwitch XPV Modes

Wireless AutoSwitch running on Windows XP has 4 different modes. Each mode does something a little different. The default installation mode is Mode 1.

Mode 1:

  • Starts when Windows starts however it waits for the user's desktop (Program Manager) to be loaded before it actually enables or disables the wireless card.
  • Installs a shortcut called "Wireless AutoSwitch On-Off" so the user can manually turn Wireless AutoSwitch off and on.
  • User can manually enable the wireless card and Wireless AutoSwitch will not automatically turn it off.

 Mode 2:

  • Starts when Windows starts however it waits for the user's desktop (Program Manager) to be loaded before it actually enables or disables the wireless card.
  • No shortcut created.
  • If the user manually enables the wireless card Wireless AutoSwitch will automatically turn it off.

 Mode 3:

  • Starts when Windows starts, does not wait for the user's desktop (Program Manager). ***May slow down Windows start up time.
  • Installs a shortcut called "Wireless AutoSwitch On-Off" so the user can manually turn Wireless AutoSwitch off and on.
  • User can manually enable the wireless card and Wireless AutoSwitch will not automatically turn it off.

Mode 4:

  • Starts when Windows starts, does not wait for the user's desktop (Program Manager). ***May slow down Windows start up time.
  • No shortcut created.
  • If the user manually enables the wireless card Wireless AutoSwitch will automatically turn it off.

Wireless AutoOff

Wireless AutoOff works on Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 7, Windows 8.1 and Vista.  It runs as a service does the following:

  • There is only one mode (what would be Mode 2 in Wireless AutoSwitch).
  • The application starts and finds all wireless cards and disables them, regardless of the machine being on LAN or not.
  • There is a shortcut created under "Start Menu - Wireless AutoOff" called "Wireless On-Off" (during installation you can choose to have the shortcut created on the desktop as well).
  • If the user is on the LAN and clicks this shortcut they get a message displayed that this is not allowed while on the LAN.
  • If the user disconnects the LAN and clicks this shortcut then the wireless is enabled.
  • The moment the LAN is reconnected the wireless is disabled.
  • If the user is not on the LAN and wireless is enabled, clicking the shortcut will disable all wireless.

The unique thing is that the user doesn't have to be an admin of the machine.  The application is installed as a service and runs under the local system account.  Clicking the shortcut sends a signal to the service to do a particular action and the shortcut app can be run by a non-admin user.

Here are some situations where Wireless AutoSwitch can help you:

    automatically disable wireless card when connected to LAN
    disable wireless when Ethernet cable plugged in
    disable Wireless adapter automatically when there is a LAN
    automatically turn off wireless
    disable wireless when hard wired
    Multiple Simultaneous Network Connections
    disable wireless when LAN is connected
    prevent wireless intrusion
    disable WLAN on LAN connection
    Turn off Wireless on laptop
    turn off wireless when LAN connect
    disable wireless when on physical network (LAN)
    prevent bridged networks
    disable wireless on Ethernet
    enable/disable wireless automatically
    disable wireless when cable connected
    Disable WiFi when connected to a wired physical network
    Swapping between wireless and wired networking
    how to auto disable wireless on wired/LAN connect
    wireless automatically turn off when wired
    auto switch network connection
    how to auto-switch wireless and lan on windows 7


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